Tiny Fastboot Script for Windows Download

Latest Tiny Fastboot Script for Windows Free 2025 Download. Click Here Tiny Fastboot Script for Windows Free 2025 Official Specification.

Tiny Fastboot Script for Windows Download
Tiny Fastboot Script for Windows Download

Features Tiny Fastboot Script

Tool and Configuration Check: Verifies the presence of essential tools (fastboot, adb, and others) and configuration files before proceeding.

Menu-Driven Interface: Presents a user-friendly menu for navigating the script's functionalities.

Flashing Options:Flash AP (OS Part): Flashes boot, recovery, and system partitions.

Flash BP (Baseband Part): Flashes radio/modem and related partitions.

Flash BL (Bootloader Part): Flashes the bootloader.
Flash Recovery Image: Flashes the recovery partition.
Flash Full Firmware: Flashes the entire firmware with or without a factory reset.

Flash Custom Firmware: Allows flashing of user-specified firmware.
Erase Options:Factory Reset: Erases data and cache partitions.

Erase Baseband Cache Partition: Erases specific partitions related to the baseband.

Bootloader Unlock: Provides a menu for unlocking the device's bootloader.

Reboot Options: Offers options for rebooting the device.

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Slot Switching: Allows switching between A/B slots.
ADB Functions: Provides a menu for various ADB commands.

Device Information: Retrieves and displays device information.

Fastboot FAQ: Provides access to a Fastboot FAQ (if the file exists).
CID and Flashing Instructions: Offers information about CID and firmware flashing (if the file exists).

DIY Flashing: Allows users to execute custom fastboot commands.
Toolbox: Provides access to a toolbox of unspecified functions.
About Information: Displays information about the script, its author, and credits.

Changelog: Shows the script's changelog (if the file exists).
Update Check: Opens a URL for update information.

Exit Option: Allows the user to exit the script.
Error Handling: Includes basic error handling for missing files and tools.

Smart Flash: Attempts to intelligently identify and flash files based on their names.

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